Our Lady of Lourdes, Windsor
St. Joseph's, Sanitaria Springs
St. Joseph's , Deposit
St Mary's, Kirkwood
Dear Parishioners,
WELCOME to everyone visiting our parishes!
LENT IS HERE! I encourage you to stop for a moment and reflect upon how the Lord may be calling you to observe the Lenten Season.
We have several options easily available this Lent including:
1. The “Word Among Us” reflection booklets are available at our churches.
2. Resources are available for viewing on the Formed.org website.
3. Contributing to those in need through Operation Rice Bowl—bowls are available at all entrances.
4. Set aside more time for prayer and/or read and reflect upon a spiritual book or the life of a saint.
5. Sign up for daily emails from Bishop Barron, Dynamic Catholic or the US Bishop’s at usccb.org .
6. Observe a day of abstinence from meat once a week.
Lent is a time for each of us to stretch a bit and grow our relationship with Jesus.
As we enter this time of spiritual retreat, let us continue to pray for one another, our communities, and our world.
Barbara Kane
Parish Life Director
Bishop Lucia has asked all parishes within the diocese to more fully know,
love, and serve Christ in our parish communities.
Together we must embrace Christ’s vision for missionary discipleship
so our parish can thrive and be a place for others to grow together in faith.
The very first step in this process involves assessing our greatest strengths and opportunities, and that is where the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) comes in!
The DMI is an important survey tool that invites each of us to reflect on our discipleship journey here in the Catholic Communities of Eastern Broome County.
The Disciple Maker Index is designed to:
· Invite parishioners to reflect on their journey of discipleship.
· Enable parish leadership to make data-driven decisions.
· Help parishioners grow in their faith.
The Disciple Maker Index is designed to be an easy process
which takes 10 – 15 minutes to complete.
Each parish has its own individual DMI survey web addresses as listed below:
OLOL - https://portal.catholicleaders.org/d/x54a36
St. Joe’s Deposit—https://portal.catholicleaders.org/d/x5pcbx
St. Joe’s SANITARIA Springs—https://portal.catholicleaders.org/d/xbt486
St. Mary’s— https://portal.catholicleaders.org/d/xxdxdx
The DMI is now “Live” at the above web addresses.
Paper copies of the DMI are available in your parish.
Please return to the labeled box in your church
Friday, MARCH 28, 2025
Soup Supper
5:30 pm Parish Hall
Stations of thE CROSS
6:30 pm in Church

Sponsored by Faith Formation
Donations go to Operation Rice Bowl
Caregiver respite
Attention Caregivers—Your role is an important one!
Respite care is here to help. Sometimes you may need a break to give you time to run errands, catch up on things or just relax.
We invite you to bring your loved one to a respite program with kind welcoming people who would like to help.
3rd Saturday of the month
Next Session
April 19, 2025—11:00 am – 2:00 pm
St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Kirkwood
Participants will have the opportunity to meet new friendly people. Activities include: sharing memories and life experiences, snack, music, arts and crafts, light chair exercises.
There is no cost. All are welcome! Registration is required.
If you would like more information, or to register, contact Barbara Kane at 607-775-0086 or bkanepld@gmail.com.
In 2009, the Catholic Communities of Eastern Broome County were linked together as a Parish Cluster. Consisting of the four parishes of Our Lady of Lourdes in Windsor, St. Joseph's in Deposit, St. Joseph's in Sanitaria Springs and St. Mary's in Kirkwood. The parishes operate under the leadership of a Parish Life Director with sacramental needs provided by retired priests.
For more information please call the parish office at 607-775-0086.
Friday, March28th - Soup supper & youth stations of the cross
Class - April 6th
March 30th
march 30th
If you have any questions, please call the parish office at 607-775-0086.
Our church has the beautiful practice of accepting mass intentions. An individual may request a mass to be offered for a certain intention: or example, in thanksgiving, for the intentions of another person (such as a birthday or anniversary), or, as is most common, for the repose of the soul of someone who has died. One must never forget the great spiritual benefit andinfinite graces that flow from the Sacrifice of the Mass. It is a wonderful spiritual gift.
If you would like to request an intention for a mass, simply call the parish office and we will help you schedule a date and time good for you.
The donation is $15.00, but if need be, we can discuss that when you call the office at 775-0086.
Please join us in praying for the sick of our parish communities
Diane Yonchuk, The Grogan Family, Carolyn Depaolo, Mary Ann Cline, George Whiting, Alana Neer, Tom Williams, Darlene Rhodes, Janet Brunswick, Beverly Akulis, Joan Puccio, Robert Acquisto, Eleanor Brown, Wanda Chisarick, Jane Daley, Bev Gorman, John Decker, Jessica Griffiths, Caesar Siedlecke, Ray Vitiello, Karen Krasowsky, Bill Bennett, Giovanni Depolfi, Jean Aswad, Mary Kramer, Joe Hauptfleisch, Shirley Dennison, Tony Russell, JoAnne Meyer, Joan Covert, Corky Mott, Sarah Henry, Leo & Jan Grippen, Stephanie Davis, Kendra Decker, Jeannie Hurlburt, John & Arlene Dubay, Juliana Widmer,
Celia Santalucia, Ralph Blodgett, Connie Cotter,
Mary Joan Bayer, Anna Drankowski
St. Joseph Church Sanitaria Springs:
Sunday: 8:30 AM
Our Lady of Lourdes Church Windsor:
Sunday: 9:00 AM
St. Mary's Church Kirkwood:
Saturday: 4:00 PM | Sunday: 10:15 AM
St Joseph Church Deposit:
Sunday: 11:00 AM
1st Wednesday of the month at 5:00 pm.
Holy Hour for Vocations and the needs of our parishes and Pastoral Care Area. Everyone is invited!
After Sunday Mass in the hall. ALL are invited!
Join us Sunday's after mass for Coffee hour.
ALL are welcome! We hope to see you there!
Join us Sunday's after mass for Coffee hour.
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